Partnership &
Collaboration Opportunities

Through meaningful partnerships & collaborations RISE Housing creates a lasting impact in affordable housing.

Infographic of Partnership & Collaboration Opportunities including Land Donations & Acquisition, Financial & Lending Partners, Non-profit Partnerships & Developer Partnerships
Plot of urban land
House Icon

Land Donations & Acquisitions

RISE Housing seeks out partnerships for land with all levels of government, faith groups, institutions, developers and private owners interested in contributing to the mandate of amplifying the delivery of non-market housing in our cities. 

Collaboration to create win-win solutions could be through:

  • Land Donation

  • Land Surplus

  • Long term lease

  • Market acquisition of land or tenanted buildings

  • Inclusionary non-market housing within new market developments ie. Airparcels

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Financial & Lending Partners

Our goal is to build a portfolio of projects, initially through market acquisition that will allow RISE to be self-sustaining long term.  Acquisition partners are critical in this first stage where all levels of government grants, social equity investors and community banks provide the seed capital required.  Over time, our portfolio of projects will be leveraged for capital financing to amplify the delivery of an expanded portfolio of future projects and to unlock the working capital required for development.

Two business people shaking hands in sunlight
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Non-Profit Partnerships

RISE Housing is the developer and holder of affordable housing projects and will collaborate with other non-profits in a number of ways including tenant selection, joint ventures on development, and building operation, and work with pre-qualified property managers who will operate and, manage the buildings. RISE provides the housing for organizations serving those aligning with our Vision and Mission and continues to provide affordable housing for tenants in acquired buildings.

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Developer Partnerships

Collaboration is a key component to exponential growth of affordable housing and creative partnerships with developers on new projects through land donations, or partnerships for inclusionary non-market housing within market development projects will achieve win-win for all.